September 2024 Minutes
Date and Time: Tuesday 17th September 2024 7.30pm
Location: Martin Village Hall
Present |
Present |
Clare Cowen (CC) Chair |
4 Parishioners |
Ben Lilley (BL) |
Apologies Received: Cllr. Fletcher and Cllr. Wilkes |
Chris Greene(CG) |
Will Stephenson (WS) |
Not Present: Cllr. Busby |
Will Jenkins (WJ) |
Parish Clerk |
Public Session
Issues raised:
(1) Speeding – Request for something to be done – concerns over noise levels, cracks in properties
(2) A thank you from a Parishioner for everything the Parish Council do for the Parish |
Carried Forward from Previous meeting |
Emergency Plan |
Restoration of memorials |
Microsoft Teams |
Timtin Light |
Minute Ref |
Actions from this meeting |
Action by |
Public Session |
Formal Approach again to the County Council raising the continuing serious concerns of Parishioners about speeding and the condition of the roads in the parish. |
Clerk |
2 |
Full Council to review Legal Note 5 (formal guidance for Parish Councils via LALC)for Parish Councils and agreement to be reached at the next meeting. |
7 |
Clerk to contact County Councillor Kendrick with formal request addressing concerns of Parishioners around speeding and the condition of the road through Martin. |
Clerk |
8.1 |
Update on repairs to the park and invoice to be requested |
Clerk |
8.2 |
WJ to purchase bulbs for planting |
WJ |
8.3 |
Invoice to be paid for trees |
Clerk |
Refund to be requested |
WJ |
Statement to be sent to WJ for refund purposes |
Clerk |
8.4 |
Calendars to be ordered |
BL |
8.6 |
Memorials to be cleaned and repaired. Clerk to write a letter to the business owner parishioner who has offered to undertake the work. |
Parishioner and CC |
8.7 |
Timtin light to be followed up |
Clerk |
8.10 |
Landowner to asked to ensure footpath is cut regularly to a minimum of 2 metres width. |
Clerk |
8.11 |
Clerk to purchase two remembrance wreaths for laying at the memorials |
Clerk |
8.12 |
Christmas tree to be purchased for the Village Hall in time for the Fayre. WJ to speak to DH to compare price. |
Clerk WJ |
9.2 |
Clerk to make payments as agreed as detailed in minutes below. |
Clerk |
9.3 |
Formal Audit Notice to be displayed |
Clerk |
9.4 |
Email .gov addresses to be completed. Clerk to look into the saving of emails folders |
Clerk |
9.5.1 |
Clerk to contact NKDC re: additional bin collection |
Clerk |
9.5.2 |
Parish Clock to be valued for insurance purposes. Cllr. to try to see if anything can be done to access the clock to have it valued. |
CC |
9.5.3 |
Clerk to request additional grit and to approach DB for delivery location. |
Clerk DB |
9.5.4 |
Clerk to contact the VHC re: litter picking |
Clerk |
9.5.5 |
Clerk to contact the Monitoring Officer to agree a date for training. |
Clerk |
9.6.1 |
Finance Group to agree a date for late November Action to be taken to produce consultation document including WS to contact the school and CG and Clerk contact community groups. |
Clerk Clerk WS CG |
9.6.2 |
Clerk to look into replacing the printer as planned for in the precept. |
Clerk |
9.9 |
Asset lists for audit and insurance to be reviewed by Councillor and Finance Officer in due course. |
Clerk/RFO |
Minute Ref |
Minute Commentary |
Action By |
1 |
Welcome and Public Session |
Chair |
Co-option - None |
2 |
Apologies: Cllrs. Wilkes and Fletcher
A general discussion took place with regard to the handling of apologies from Councillors. This included emphasising that although absence at times is unavoidable it was important that Councillors regularly attended meetings and these apologies must be recorded in the minutes as accepted or not. Consideration to be given to the Legal Notice 5 for Parish Councils which offers guidance on the 6th Month rule which for Martin and Martin Dales Parish Council would cover 3 meetings. The Legal Note 5 gives formal guidance on procedures for Parish Councils |
All |
3 |
Declaration of Interests
None |
4 |
Previous Minutes 2nd July 2024 These were accepted as a true Record Proposed: CC Second: BL All Agreed |
5 |
County and District Councillors – None Present |
6 |
Planning 6.1 Anaerobic Digester A notification had been received from the Blankney PC, as yet no action is required. All planning is sent to the full Council and full details are available at: North Kesteven Planning on Line portal.>planningonline Clerk can be contacted directly for clarification/information
7 |
Highways The condition of the road in the village and the speed and nature of the traffic was discussed in the public session. Agreed: Clerk to formally contact Councillor Kendrick. All Highways concerns can be reported by parishioners and Councillors directly on:
Clerk |
8 |
Parish Items |
8.1 Playpark AW continues to inspect the park on a regular basis. The ROSPA report has been received. Repairs have been undertaken and an update and invoice are due to be received. Agreed: Clerk to chase the update and invoice for payment |
Clerk |
8.2 Grounds Maintenance All going well. As agreed in the precept planning, bulbs to be purchased for further planting. Proposed: WJ Seconded: CC All Agreed |
WJ |
8.3 Woodland Update WJ gave the update on the woodland. The weeds on the land have been dealt with. A further grant has been received which will be used for the purchase of further trees for planting. WJ informed the full Council that further trees will need to be sourced to ensure all planting is completed in the future as 2 more orders are needed after this one. Agreed: Clerk to pay invoice for the trees and send bank statement to WJ as soon as possible. WJ to order further trees asap. |
WJ Clerk |
8.4 Calendar 2025 Agreed: BL to order 75 A4 (£450-£495) to be sold for £6.50. A stall will be requested at the Village Hall Christmas Fayre. Proposed: WJ Seconded: CC All Agreed |
BL |
8.5 Emergency Plan WS confirmed that the Village Hall have agreed to be included in the Plan. The contents of the emergency box were reviewed. Cllr. to continue to work on this. |
WS |
8.6 Memorials A Parishioner had kindly agreed to repair/clean both memorials having had communication with the NKDC Heritage Officer. The PC agreed to allow this to happen. Agreed: Clerk to contact the parishioner who runs the business on which the memorial is situated in Martin Dales confirming the PC are happy for him to undertake the work subject to agreement with the Heritage Officer recommendation being confirmed. . Proposed: WS Seconded: CG All Agreed. |
8.7 Street Light (Timtin) NKDC had responded asking the PC for confirmation of who will pay for this. The PC has requested that the light is fitted by NKDC. A response has not been received yet. Agreed: Clerk to chase this up.
Clerk |
8.8 Bus Shelters CC and a parishioner have inspected the existing shelters and report that the plastic windows are in very poor condition and will need replacing. Agreed: It was decided that no further action to be on the requested bus shelters due to only one request being received, the location and the difficulties with existing shelters. Proposed: CC Seconded: CG All Agreed |
8.9 Speeding – 20 mph Previously discussed |
8.10 Footpath Width Agreed: Clerk to ask the landowner and as for the continued upkeep of the footpath to ensure that there should be 2 metres wide at least. |
Clerk |
8.11 Remembrance Sunday Agreed: Council to buy two wreaths for the memorials and agreement to be reached for Councillors to lay both wreaths. |
CC Clerk |
8.12 Christmas Tree Agreed: Council to again donate tree for outside of the Village Hall in time for the Christmas Fayre. Clerk to order and arrange collection and delivery once quotes have been received. WJ to speak to DH.
Clerk WJ |
9 |
Clerks Update |
9.1 Bank Balances as of 16th September 2024 Current Account: £15183.94 Woodland: 7386.44 Business Reserve Account: 5861.70 |
Clerk |
9.2 Payments Grounds Maintenance: £280.00 Clerk Salary: £375.45 Woodland Trees: £5162.40(inc. vat - reclaimed) Ext Audit Standard Fee: £252.00(inc. vat to be reclaimed HMRC £178.22 All Agreed |
Clerk |
9.3 Audit 2023-2024 Internal and external audits have been completed and confirmation received that all is in order. Agreed: Legal Notice to be displayed to inform the Parish. |
Clerk |
9.4 Website Agreed: Clerk to confirm minutes table with the website administrator. Clerk to organise .gov emails with the suggested supplier email folders to be requested due to the changeover to the Lincolnshire County Council website. |
Clerk |
9.5 Correspondence Much had already been discussed. 9.5.1 Poo Bin Agreed: PC to purchase a new bin subject to confirmation that it will be emptied by NKDC. 9.5.2 Parish Clock Agreed: 9.5.3 Grit Agreed: The Council to order the offered grit and asked DB if it can be delivered there. 9.5.4 Litter Picking A letter has been received offering a grant subject to certain conditions. A general discussion took place discussing the offer of the grant, the current arrangement and the option of employing a litter picker. Agreed: It was decided the clerk would speak to the VHC about the regularity of the litter picking. 9.5.5 Code of Conduct Training Agreed: Clerk to contact the monitoring officer to propose a session takes place before a future meeting as Councillors have had these dates in their dairies. |
Clerk |
9.6 Finance Group 9.6.1 The latest discussion notes were emailed to the full Council and further discussion will take place after the November meeting when the precept will be discussed in more depth. Finance for the Playpark Outdoor Gym had been progressed.An application had been submitted. The Clerk had been advised that a broader consultation should take place. Discussion included, survey via the school, the village hall community groups and individuals. Agreed: Clerk to draft a survey and send to Councillor for a review and printing. Cllr. to contact the school. Cllr. and Clerk to contact community groups. 9.6.2 Printer Agreed: Clerk to look into the cost of the new printer planned for in the precept. |
All Clerk
Clerk WS CG Clerk
Clerk |
9.7 Microsoft Office Agreed: work on this to be continued when the new emails are set up. |
WS |
9.8 Apologies Procedure Already discussed |
9.9 Asset Value and Asset List Agreed: WS and Clerk to meet to draft and asset document which includes appreciation and depreciation of all asset annually. |
WS Clerk |
10 |
Agenda Items for the next meeting Grounds Maintenance M Soft Office Apologies |
Clerk |
Date, time and venue for the next meeting 12th November 2024 7.30pm Martin Village Hall |
All |
Meeting ended 9.30pm